story as a public servant who used the power of film to illuminate a tragedy - both a personal tragedy and a policy tragedy
- is in itself powerful." --Robert Pezzolesi, AlcoholPolicy.org
The Impact Of "DRUNK
View comments & letters regarding
remarkable and
touching documentary film project

Your comments & letters are truly appreciated... |
I thank each and every one of you for your brave testimony and life-changing comments & letters...but most of all your willingness to care.
This film
has spoken and it cannot be denied. It has touched the lives of viewers everywhere. Mark David Allen lives to
provoke our minds, test our faith, break our hearts and rebuild our hope. Although he may not be spared, his life has
been documented to shine a light into the areas of our hearts that need illumination. The questions that arise
out of this process of feeling freely will hurt as they will heal. Some answers will be found, while others
will remain unattainable...And yet even more questions will arise--Depending where you are in your discovery.
As we realize that life is a journey, a complicated fabric and a never-ending process, we are all forced to get honest
and take a closer look-- AT OUR PACE...AT OURSELVES...AT

DJS & MDA in 2001... |
Mark David Allen has contractually agreed to be covered by David J. Sperling of Furious Love Inc.,
on this website, in all recording formats, in the ongoing documentary, and in a book or any other written
or photographic materials.
Created & Copyrighted by David
J. Sperling